Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I have had the worst back pain the past 3 days. I have not slept because every time I lay down the pain just shoots down my legs. If anyone has any helpful hints, please send them my way. I know that this is just part of being prego, but man its bad!


Paige said...

sounds like the sciatic nerve. I've heard that is terrible. I only had low back pain that didn't shoot down my legs. Try one of those disposable hot pack things that last for like 8 hours, those helped when I was preg with Blake and still teaching.

the tatsaks said...

I man sister, I had the same thing with Cru. There were times that I would literally colapse to the floor! I would go with Paiges advice with the hot pack and just try to stay off of your feet as much as possible! Sorry sister!!!